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The Jena Prokaryotic Genome Viewer (JPGV) is a freely accessible web tool aimed at visualization and analysis of prokaryotic genomes.

JPGV currently includes 1140 genomic elements of 293 species.

You can use JPGV to ...
  • Generate circular plots displaying genome features of one ore more complete genomes [ PDF: Example 1 | Example 2 ]
  • Generate linear plots displaying genome features of a genome part or of a complete genome [ PDF: Example, coloring according to GOG functional categories ]
    (In addition to features included in the GenBank file values of GC content, GC skew, purine excess and keto excess can be displayed)
  • Generate circular or linear genome plots by filtering the complete gene set with information from external databases or from COG functional categories
  • Generate clickable linear whole genome views displaying genes coloured according to their COG functional classification
  • Generate genome lists with gene numbers, genome lengths, average GC-content and fraction of hypothetical and putative genes
  • Do a QuickSearch across all genomes
  • Select genes of all genomes for a specific COG functional category
  • Select all genes of a certain species for which entries in one of more than 60 databases cross-referenced by UniProt are available (Advanced search)
    Generate a list of all genes from Helicobacter pylori for which three-dimensional structures of the protein are known
    Generate a gene list for another species for which Pfam or Smart information is available
  • Select gene lists for one or all genomes according to such gene features as GC-content and length
  • Search for sequence motifs in one or all genomes adopting the pattern syntax used in the PROSITE database
  • Store search results in lists and to use them for generating plots
    (This requires online registration)
  • Do a BLAST search for gene/protein or your own sequences within the JPGV database or UniProt
  • Display gene information in a compact manner on the gene information sheet
  • Display predicted horizontally transferred genes as table and as clickable whole genome view
  • Generate lists of best bidirectional hits between the proteins of two genomes by using OMA data
  • Display lists of all related genes of two or more genomes or genomic elements (Gene core sets)
  • Analyse syntenies between different genomes based on the best bidirectional hits
  • Display the codon and amino acid usages of one or more genomes or genomic elements
  • Perform a statistical analysis of sequence differences
More information on these options can be found in the documentation.